Friday, July 23, 2010

ये ५ कब बजेंगे !!!!

इस कांच के पिंजरे की चौदहवीं मंजिल की खिड़की से बाहर देख ,
रोज सुबह एक ख़याल दिल में आता है ,
वो छोटी सी चिडया पंख फैलाई नीले आसमान में उडती है...
पास की डेस्क पर पडा बेचैन मोबाइल रह रह कर वाइब्रेट हो रहा है ,
मिठाई की ललक से उठकर दूर की डेस्क पर जा कर लोग फीकी सी बधाई बाँट रहे हैं
कुछ मायूस उँगलियाँ , ज़िन्दगी का गम जावा कोड में दर्ज कर रहीं हैं
कुछ आउटिंग तो , कुछ बिचिंग कर बोझ कम कर रहे हैं ,
दिल में एक ख्वाइश सी जगी है , पलकें भारी और सांस थम रही हैं
और मैं कभी स्क्रीन को तो कभी टास्क बार की घडी को देखता हूँ
इंतज़ार करता हूँ , की ये ५ कब बजेंगे !

कॉफ़ी ठंडी  हो  चली , डेस्क  के  कोने  पर  सुस्त  पड़ी  है
ज़िन्दगी की फिलोसफी  कह कहों में कहीं  फ़सी  है 
दीवारों के  पोस्टर उन्माद  की  चादरों से  ढकें  है ,
पर  व्याकुल मन  डेस्कटॉप पर  पड़े फोल्डर्स छान  रहा है ,
ये रंग सारे स्थिर से  क्यूँ हो  चलें ,पता नहीं
शायद  इनको भी थोडा छलकने  का मन हो.
और मैं, कभी आसमान तो कभी टास्कबार की घडी को देखता हूँ .
सोचता हूँ , ये  ५ कब  बजेंगे !

P.S. Thanks to my dear friend. Mr Yogi. For his unending and unwanted inputs. This poetry wouldn't have been this good, had you not interfered in my thoughts. Also thanks to Balika Vadhu, without her I wouldn't have written sob sob sob..... !!!!

arrgh.. damn, no more than this.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


An incident in my life worth mentioning.....
DISCLAIMER: All characters in here are non-fictional in characters.....and the incident impacted their lives gravely.

Dolly : our Maid.
Chittu: Not so best roomie of mine.
Me: your very own Lame Donkey

KB: Kaala Bandar

Dolly mopping floors in her regular dashing style, I pushing weights around, Chittu for a change waking up early(as early as 0630 AM) and here in front of me stood a 3.5 feet long monkey. A wide eyed, two carnivorous tooth protruding out giving here a DRACULA look. Dolly as always got excited.... "Bhaiya Bhaiya Bandar !!!". yeah..yeah, I CAN SEE THAT !!!
Straight I pulled out my BAT. He charged and I ran out of the house, rescuing DOLLY (Dolly meanwhile had an expression as if saying to monkey "yes !! monkey man, I can bear you a KAALA BANDAR JUNIOR). Under Seized !!! One damn monkey has under seized our house. This monkey got balls to throw all of us out of the house.

MR. KB now opens refrigerator. charging me in between. eats eggs,......cut to DOLLY. "BHAIYA BHAIYA BANDAR, andar jaaney do.......humko". :| He's ate eggs, drank milk.....moves to kitchen...its turn for pulses. We went in.....he charges us again he takes one egg roams around like a free willy ("An egg in my hand, I feel like a MAN").... the stalemate continues..... and then all of a sudden he leaves. We barge in and I had a smile as if I had beaten arses of terrorist. (Guess I should get some kind of bravery award for the rescue.)

Kaala Bandar finally left. But he taught this lame donkey some important lessons/observations

1. Bandar's are non veggies. damn...He ate my eggs...and it hurts. (I mean the poultry farm ones)
2. Dolly mopped the floor with the same cloth with which she cleared the broken eggs. So whole of my apartment is mesmerized by fragrance of eggs.
3. This one is free from my side... Monkeys have balls as big as size of "HAAPUS MANGOES"!!!

P.S. leaving you with one of the posters which was released by our own Delhi police when Monkey Man prowled on streets of Delhi.